5 life hacks for busy people that want to keep healthy

If you have a 9 to 5 job, you are a buzzy busy person whose schedule may not have much space for exercise, mindfulness and yoga.

Nor Whole-being.

So here is how to hack a few things health while running through your routine:

1 – Do push ups when you wake up

THIS has the benefit of getting bowel movements to happen quicker so you don’t have to think of taking a dump when hauling a taxi or in the thick of an important meeting.

Also, it will make you hungry enough for breakfast.

2 – Walk to Work some part of the way

If the only walking you ever do is to and from your car, I implore you to climb the stairs to your corner office first thing.

Do not get too exhausted and do this at least an hour before the work meetings with clients or colleagues. You don’t want to seem tired before the day has even began.

3 – Do not get too full at lunch

This can be appreciated with experience. Leaving yourself unsatisfied, if channeled into your work, will make you think it is your work that needs improving.

Then you will tap into the flow and you will fly to the heights of intellectual fulfilment.

4 – Eat slowly. Make yourself jealous of your self-control

Eating too fast will cause you indigestion, acid build up and we do not want that.

Chewing properly is half the medication for preventing stomach upsets. The other half is eating healthy food.

5 – Enjoy yourself

Choose to care about something at work. It could be for the client whose success pleases you. It could be for the intricate details of the work process.

Get lost in it all. Savour the culture whether fast or slow. Do not get too attached, but do make an effort. An effort that makes you feel good about yourself for trying to attain an ideal.

Read some Rumi. And laugh.

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